Jämförda versioner


  • Dessa rader lades till.
  • Denna rad togs bort.
  • Formateringen ändrades.


    "refId": "2ba2p9xvg",
    "autoStartToken": "770f7e00-e00e-4d62-a7b7-24503849a6e8",
    "qrStartToken": "19633055-9c49-40a8-b567-75495f80dc0f",
    "qrStartSecret": "8cccc89c-04bd-46b9-baa6-5d23e822231c",
    "transactionId": "9a397519-0f9e-47b3-ab9e-e5b725d1883b"


After initializing the authentication or sign operations, the collect method should be polled for a result. The recommended time is 2 seconds and it should not be called more often than once every second as it will result in a “TIME_BLOCKED”.

GET request to https://eid-connect.test.funktionstjanster.se/grp/v3/collect
Used to get status and result from a authentication or signing.
