Nedan är vår API-beskrivning för GRP3 (REST). Kontakta oss via funktionstjanster@cgi.com vid önskemål om SOAP (Legacy) dokumentation.
- 1 General info
- 1.1 Auth/Sign
- 1.2 Request:
- 1.2.1 Query parameters:
- 1.3 Body:
- 1.3.1 Request body example:
- 1.4 Response:
- 1.5 Collect
- 1.6 Request:
- 1.7 Response:
- 1.8 Cancel
- 1.9 Request:
- 1.10 Response:
- 1.10.1 Cancelled response example:
- 1.11 QR
- 1.12 Request:
- 1.13 Response:
- 1.13.1 Example:
- 1.14 Request:
- 1.15 Response:
- 1.16 Fault
- 1.16.1 Example fault message:
General info
För att ansluta till tjänsten via API:et GRP eller måste Kunden ha ett så kallat ServiceID(policy), vilket fås av CGI. ServiceID:et kan ses som ett lösenord till tjänsten och det är unikt för varje kund.
Kundens ServiceID till produktion bör hållas konfidentiellt och hemligt. Kunden kan efter överenskommelse erhålla olika ServiceID om man från olika system vill använda sig av olika säkerhetsregler eller regler kring vilka certifikat som skall godkännas.
Several providers of electronic ID:s (Finansiell ID-Teknik, Freja eID, Secmaker) have similar API:s that customers can use to request authentication and signing operations. The GRP service wraps all these API:s into one, making the implementation of the different electronic ID:s much simpler for service providers. Consumers of the GRP API are called Relying Parties (RP:s).
Access info
You will need a header called accessToken
with the API-key matching to the serviceId
defined as a query parameter to access and make requests to any of the endpoints listed below.
POST request to https://eid-connect.test.funktionstjanster.se/grp/v3/init - Used for starting a authentication or a signing to a provider.
Query parameters:
serviceId | Yes | Relying parties identify themselves for the GRP API using the parameter "serviceId". This is a value assigned by the GRP service operator when signing up. | policy |
provider | Yes | The relying party selects eID provider using the argument "provider". Examples are "bankid", "freja" and "nias" | provider |
displayName | Yes | Name of the certificate to be used by the IdP | rpDisplayName |
requestType | No | Which type of request, "AUTH" for authentication and "SIGN" for signing. Defaults to AUTH if not specified. |
transactionId | Yes | A client provided random string unique for the specific authentication or sign request. UUID format is recommended. The same value is returned in the response and this is used for tracing and logging purposes. | transactionId |
endUserInfo | Yes | IP-address of the end-user connected to the RP. | endUserInfo.IP_ADDR |
orgIdIssuer | No | Only used for Freja Organisation ID. Can be set to "ANY" to allow organisation IDs set by other Relying Parties. |
callInitiator | Conditional | Indicate if the user or RP initiated the phone call. Possible values are "USER" and "RP". NB: This must be present if flowType is set to "PHONE", as this is a required parameter for a BankID phone auth/sign request. Otherwise it can be left out or with an empty value. |
flowType | No | Specify what type of flow the request is for. Currently only supports one value "PHONE", used for BankID phone auth/sign. Defaults to regular BankID auth/sign if not specified. NB: If this parameter is active and set to "PHONE", then it's required to also use the parameter "callInitiator". |
Body info
The request body is not optional (that is, you need to send in a empty body at minimum {}), but can optionally use these elements:
subjectIdentifier | User unique identifier, like SSN. For some eID provider it is always required, for others it is only required when eID is on another device |
subjectIdentifier.type | Specifies subject identifier type. Currently used are: "TIN" (personnummer), "EMAIL" - user e-mail address. |
userMessage |
userMessage.nonVisible | Data to be signed, not displayed to user in the eID app. Should be Base64 encoded. Max length depends on the eID provider. Example for BankID is 200 000 characters after Base64 encoding. | userNonVisibleData |
userMessage.visible | Text to be signed and displayed to user in the eID app. Should be a Base64 encoded UTF-8 string. Max length depends on the eID provider. Example for BankID is 40 000 characters after Base64 encoding. | userVisibleData |
userMessage.format | Format of the visible text, types available are: PLAIN_TEXT, MARKDOWN, HTML |
In the case of BankID, the userMessage.visible will be shown as "intention/avsikt" in an auth attempt.
Request body example:
"subjectIdentifier": {
"value": "19xxxxxxxx99",
"type": "TIN"
"userMessage": {
"nonVisible": "c2VjcmV0IHRleHQ=",
"visible": "dGVzdCB0ZXh0",
"format": "PLAIN_TEXT"
refId | An order reference that should be used in subsequent calls to the collect endpoint. |
autoStartToken | A unique token used by some providers to start the app on the same device. |
qrStartToken | A token used to compute the animated QR code, not used by all providers |
qrStartSecret | A token used to compute the animated QR code, not used by all providers |
transactionId | The same transactionId that was provided in the request, used for tracing and logging purposes. |
Successful auth attempt started response example:
"refId": "2ba2p9xvg",
"autoStartToken": "770f7e00-e00e-4d62-a7b7-24503849a6e8",
"qrStartToken": "19633055-9c49-40a8-b567-75495f80dc0f",
"qrStartSecret": "8cccc89c-04bd-46b9-baa6-5d23e822231c",
"transactionId": "9a397519-0f9e-47b3-ab9e-e5b725d1883b"
GET request to https://eid-connect.test.funktionstjanster.se/grp/v3/collect
Used to get status and result from a authentication or signing.
refId | Yes | The value received in Authenticate / Sign response. | orderId |
transactionId | Yes | A client provided random string unique for the specific authentication or sign request. UUID format is recommended. The same value is returned in the response and this is used for tracing and logging purposes. | transactionId |
progressStatus | Object with status of the order |
progressStatus.status | General status of the attempt. Possible values: COMPLETED, FAILED, CANCELLED, PENDING |
progressStatus.substatus | Status from the provider |
progressStatus.message | Status message from the provider |
attributes | Key-value pairs with information from the certificate or sign/auth operation. |
userInfo | Basic information about the user |
userInfo.subjectIdentifier | Identifier of the subject |
userInfo.subjectIdentifier.value | Unique identifier of the subject. |
userInfo.subjectIdentifier.type | Specifies subject identifier type. Currently used are: "tin" (personnummer), "email" - user e-mail address. |
userInfo.displayName | User display name. Used by some providers for given name + surname |
userInfo.givenName | User given name |
userInfo.sn | User surname |
userInfo.tin | User TIN (personnummer) |
userInfo.ipAddress | IP address of the eID client |
validationInfo | Information about the validation. May contain the actual signature and OCSP response from certificate validation. |
validationInfo.signature | Base64 encoded signature in the format specified by "signatureFormat". |
validationInfo.signatureFormat | Current supported formats are: "xmldsig" - Standard XML based format used by BankID. "pkcs7" - PKCS#7, binary format used by NetID etc. "jws" - JSON Web Signature format used by Freja. |
validationInfo.ocspResponse | Base64 encoded OCSP response (not available for all providers). |
transactionId | The same transactionId that was provided in the request, used for tracing and logging purposes. |
In progress auth attempt response example:
"progressStatus": {
"status": "PENDING",
"substatus": "STARTED",
"attributes": null,
"userInfo": null,
"validationInfo": null,
"transactionId": "9a397519-0f9e-47b3-ab9e-e5b725d1883b"
Completed auth response example:
GET request to https://eid-connect.test.funktionstjanster.se/grp/v3/cancel
Used to cancel a authentication or signing
refId | Yes | The value received in Authenticate / Sign response. | orderId |
transactionId | Yes | A client provided random string unique for the specific authentication or sign request. UUID format is recommended. The same value is returned in the response and this is used for tracing and logging purposes. | transactionId |
progressStatus | Object with status of the order |
progressStatus.status | General status of the attempt, should be CANCELLED |
transactionId | The same transactionId that was provided in the request, used for tracing and logging purposes. |
Cancelled response example:
Endpoints that help with QR-code generation.
GET request to https://eid-connect.test.funktionstjanster.se/grp/v3/qr
refId | Yes | The value received in Authenticate / Sign response. |
transactionId | Yes | A client provided random string unique for the specific authentication or sign request. UUID format is recommended. The same value is returned in the response and this is used for tracing and logging purposes. |
The qr-endpoint returns a string-value that is to be qr-coded.
GET request to https://eid-connect.test.funktionstjanster.se/grp/v3/qrImage
refId | Yes | The value received in Authenticate / Sign response. |
transactionId | Yes | A client provided random string unique for the specific authentication or sign request. UUID format is recommended. The same value is returned in the response and this is used for tracing and logging purposes. |
size | No | The size of the generated QR-code image (in pixels). Default is 200. |
The qrImage-endpoint returns a qr-code image of the string returned by the qr-endpoint in .png format.
There are several error codes that can help if you are having problems:
ACCESS_DENIED_RP | The request was not allowed for the given provider. Check provider and accessToken. |
INVALID_PARAMETERS | Could not handle request. Check input parameters. |
RETRY | An error occurred. RP should not automatically retry, but let user try again. |
INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal error in GRP or eID provider system. |
EXPIRED_TRANSACTION | The operation has timed out and user needs to retry. |
USER_CANCEL | The operation was cancelled by the user. |
CLIENT_ERR | An error has occurred in the client. |
CERTIFICATE_ERR | An error with the certificate has occurred. |
CANCELLED | The operation was cancelled because another order for the same user was added. |
START_FAILED | The client could not be started. |
ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS | Another operation for the same user is already in progress. That order is cancelled and no new order is created. RP needs to try again. |
SIGN_VALIDATION_FAILED | Validation of a signature could not be validated. Also applies to the signature of an authentication operation. |
UNKNOWN_USER | Invalid user identifier. Used for some eID providers instead of INVALID_PARAMETERS. |
MISSING_CALL_INITIATOR | No call initiator specified when the phone flow type is used. |
Example fault message: